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2020, December 5 - 15:42
Kocko's picture
Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2020-07-29 21:48

Hej Anila!
I had my labiaplasty done by Rika Hammarström 2,5 months ago and am very pleased with the result.
My only advise would be to make sure your surgent has a lot of experience from this specifi surgery.
Good luck!

Har gjort labiaplastik hos Dr. Rika Hammarström i september 2020.

2020, December 6 - 22:41
Anander's picture
Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2020-09-11 18:34

Hej Anila! Jag har bokat tid för operation på lotusklikliniken i malmö, var också på konsultation på citadell men fick ett bättre intryck av lotuskliniken och Dr Selma som utför denna operationen. Hon kunde visa mig många före och efter-bilder och sa att hon utförde cirka 3 sådana här operationer i veckan, och hade gjort det under flera år! Kan återkomma efter januari när jag gjort operationen! Hon är utbildad gynekologi och specialiserad inom ämnet.

0 barn. Gjort intimoperation - inre blygdläppar/klitoriskappa.

2020, December 7 - 12:32
Anila (not verified)
Anila's picture

Hej Kocko & Anander!

Tusind tak for jeres svar, det har været en kæmpe hjælp! Jeg har sendt en besked til Lotusklinikken og venter nu på svar. Jeg kommer fra København, så Malmø er meget tættere på mig end Stockholm, derfor valgte jeg Lotusklinikken. I feel at ease knowing i'm gonna visit a clinic with gynecology as their "specialty", so thank you for giving me the push.

Anander skal du også have minskning af klitoriskappan eller kun reduktion af blygdläpparna?Du må meget gerne skrive herinde når du er færdig med operationen! Jeg håber at kunne få en tid i januar også.

2020, December 7 - 13:59
Anander's picture
Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2020-09-11 18:34

Hej Anila,
Jag förstår, vad bra att du kontaktat dem! Förstår att det är mycket lättare att åka till malmö då :). Jag ska dit i början av januari för både blygdläppsminskning och klitoriskappan, det kommer kosta 37000 som en kombinerad operation i lokalbedövning och med lugnande. Jag håller tummarna att det går bra och inte är alltför jobbigt! :)

0 barn. Gjort intimoperation - inre blygdläppar/klitoriskappa.

2021, January 6 - 14:21
Anila (not verified)
Anila's picture

Hej igen Anander,

Did you get your surgery done yet? Håber at alt er gået godt! :) I got booked at Lotusklinikken for a consultation on the 11th but because of the covid restrictions, I'm not allowed to go to Sweden and have to reschedule for after the 21/1 at the earliest, and I have a bad feeling the restrictions will be prolonged :(

2021, January 6 - 16:02
Anander's picture
Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2020-09-11 18:34

hi, actually I did my surgery today! was well received and everything went smoothly and well. did not hurt at all and was not unpleasant either. Right now it hurts but have got strong painkillers with me home and rest a lot now. I understand, so sad to hear .. unfortunately the restrictions can be extended yes. Is it possible to get a permit to enter Sweden if you have surgery / sick leave?

0 barn. Gjort intimoperation - inre blygdläppar/klitoriskappa.

2021, January 11 - 20:55
Anila (not verified)
Anila's picture

Wauw, congratulations! I'm so jealous haha, and so happy to hear things went so smooth. How are you doing now a few days later? and were the 2. and 3. days the hardest? I only think you can get a permit if it's something urgent sadly. Have got a new appointment for the 28th now tho', so hopefully i'll be able to go at that point.

2021, January 11 - 22:08
Anander's picture
Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2020-09-11 18:34

Oh thanks! I thought the first day was the worst, have actually not been in pain at all since then in general, however, I am really swollen and am quite worried about the area at the clitoris, it is extremely sensitive. Have not yet been out and only aired without panties and avoided wearing pants. Really hope the swelling subsides soon. Oh I understand, really hope you have the opportunity to get over then! :) fingers crosses! Did you booked clitoris hood and inner Labia?

0 barn. Gjort intimoperation - inre blygdläppar/klitoriskappa.

2021, January 24 - 17:39
Anila (not verified)
Anila's picture

Oh okay, well good to know that it only gets better from day 1! And really glad to hear that you haven't been in any particular pain :) I understand your concerns about the high level of sensitivity around that area, that's actually what I'm most scared about too, but at the same time it makes sense that this would be the most sensitive area. I really hope it has gone down by now :)
The restriction have been extended once again, to the 7th of march so I have to move my appointment once again :( I can feel myself getting quite impatient but at the same time I'm really stubborn at want to get it done the best place possible, so I'm sure it will be worth the wait. Oh and yeah i did book for both inner labia and clitoral hood!

2021, August 18 - 21:23
Josefine15's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2021-08-18 21:15

Hej Anila,
Er du tilfreds med operationen hos Lotusklinikken?? Har selv været til konsultation der - men er meget i tvivl om hvilket sted i Sverige jeg skal vælge. Indtil videre har jeg booket tid hos Ivan. Håber virkelig du har tid til at svare :D
