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#1 2017, March 20 - 05:21
embaixa's picture
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2017-03-15 04:12

Nackakliniken experiences

Hello, I am from the US and am very interested in getting rhinoplasty in Sweden with Dr Gustav Aniansson. It has been hard to find many testimonials to his work since I only speak English (please pardon my lack of Swedish). Has anyone on this forum done a rhinoplasty with him? It seems like Dr Aniansson's pictures have a much more drastic change than other surgeons..

Seeking rhinoplasty at Nackakliniken - förlåt min engelska, jag är amerikansk och jag talar inte svenska!

2017, March 20 - 19:52
Annafrisk's picture
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 2015-10-04 00:53

I would recommend you to use google translate and translate what people here have been writing about him, a lot of people at this website is NOT happy at all with his work, and yes he do drastic changes and some would say that they look like burn victims because he took to much cartilage from their nose. I'm sure some are happy but HERE at this website the majority is not happy with him, so I really recommend you to translate what people have been writing here, if you want a nose that looks very operated then Gustav seems to be the right one :)

Inga barn, 23 år, 161 cm, 50 kg
Konsultation näsa Akademikliniken, oktober-15
Näsoperation Jonas Röjdmark Akademikliniken, Januari-16

2017, March 25 - 06:11
Lisa-5's picture
Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2017-01-26 14:50

Annafrisk wrote:

I would recommend you to use google translate and translate what people here have been writing about him, a lot of people at this website is NOT happy at all with his work, and yes he do drastic changes and some would say that they look like burn victims because he took to much cartilage from their nose. I'm sure some are happy but HERE at this website the majority is not happy with him, so I really recommend you to translate what people have been writing here, if you want a nose that looks very operated then Gustav seems to be the right one :)

