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#1 2019, December 22 - 18:41
FromEngland1's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2019-08-02 19:24

Help from England, Rhinoplasty


I'm from England and for the past 10 years I have been wanting rhinoplasty.
I have friends who live in Sweden and my friends brother was operated by Dr. Igor Niechajev.

I have been roughly reading
translations from Swedish to
English but it has been a little tricky, So any help would be appreciated very much!

I'm a little reluctant to go see Dr. Igor after what I have been reading on the internet, but the good reviews are excellent and the bad reviews are at the other extreme so it is hard to get a judgement from this alone.

I have called PO Haraldssons clinic many times but he never seems to have surgery dates available and also looking online now it seems that he does very minimal changes to the nose, which is not what I'm looking for. So maybe the times are clashing for a reason.

I have a week off in February
I want to book consultations with the following surgeons:
- Dr. Igor Niechajev
- Fredrik Gewalli
- Jonas Rojdmark
- PO Haraldsson (but he is not available until June)

If anyone has any experience with these surgeons , I would really appreciate feedback, PM, pictures or any information please !

I'm not bronze yet, and I'm still trying to figure out how to get to Bronze because I'm dying to see pictures!

Thank you

Hello from England

2019, December 23 - 17:38
starstripes's picture
Last seen: 4 days 22 hours ago
Joined: 2014-03-31 10:09

You should also visit Charles Randquist at Victoriakliniken. He did a rhinoplasty on me a week ago. Love everything about him!
You can see his work on his web.

Bröstlyft+förstoring Motiva round full 625cc
Stor Cirkumferent bukplastik.
Lårplastik samt fettsugning av höfter.
Allt ovan hos Patrik Höijer, Nordiska Kliniken under tiden 2016-2017.
Näsplastik 16/12-2019, Charles Randquist, Victoriakliniken.
Korr av Patriks Lårplastik. 5/2-2021. Dr Chris Janbaz, Diamond Plastikkirurgi.
BBL. 5/2-2021. Dr Chris Janbaz, Diamond Plastikkirurgi.

2019, December 25 - 22:37
Sthlmkarlstad's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2019-03-17 12:24

I know you’ve read my story on PO. On Friday my plaster will come off and I can send you pictures if you like.

The difference between you and me is that I wasnt looking for such a big change - just a normal nose, mine was slightly to big (which PO thought too, haha. He is very honest)

All I can say for now is that the surgery went great, I was well taken care of and I think its promising that the wait is long - it sure must be for a reason? I hope so anyway! I guess I’ll see on Friday ?

26 år, bosatt i Karlstad.
Intresserad av näsplastik och har operation bokad på Astoriakliniken 18/12

2019, December 27 - 15:27
naasa's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2019-12-27 14:40

Sthlmkarlstad grattis!! Vad tycker du nu när du har tagit av plåstret?

2020, July 12 - 12:02
FromEngland1's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2019-08-02 19:24

Sthlmkarlstad wrote:

I know you’ve read my story on PO. On Friday my plaster will come off and I can send you pictures if you like.

The difference between you and me is that I wasnt looking for such a big change - just a normal nose, mine was slightly to big (which PO thought too, haha. He is very honest)

All I can say for now is that the surgery went great, I was well taken care of and I think its promising that the wait is long - it sure must be for a reason? I hope so anyway! I guess I’ll see on Friday ?

Hello thank you for replying
Yes please if you could send me the pictures I would appreciate it
My surgery is cancelled because of coronavirus and I'm absolutely devastated so I have to go through the whole process of re-booking which makes you doubt your confidence in a surgeon

Hello from England
