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2013, March 18 - 12:02
Lolloboll's picture
Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2013-01-20 10:15
Hittade även detta som kanske kan vara till hjälp för de som aldrig tycker att svullnaden lägger sig.
Svullnad tar 3-6 månader att lägga sig på den översta delen av näsan, 6-9 månader att lägga sig på den mellersta delen av näsan, och 9-12 månader (eller mer) att lägga sig på tippen. Bild som styrker detta:

Swelling after rhinoplasty- what should be expected?

Typically, it is normal to have obvious swelling of the nose for up to 2-3 weeks. It depends on what was done. The more extensive the surgery, the longer it take for swelling to settle.  After 2-3 weeks time, the nose will still be swollen, but it is not noticeable to others.  The rest of the swelling will go down over a period of 1 year.  I typically tell patients, it takes about 3 months for the upper bridge to settle, another 3 months for the middle bridge, and another 6 months for the tip.  If the early swelling is not going down or is getting worse, you should see your doctor to make sure everything is healing normally.  

Rhinoplasty swelling

It takes months for swelling to resolve after rhinoplasty surgery.. Most of the swelling settles in the first one to two months. The tip of the nose will often have signs of residual swelling for up to 12 months. In certain cases the tip of the nose can show signs of swelling even up to 24 months. It is often felt that open rhinoplasty cases may take longer for swelling to subside than closed rhinoplasty surgery.

26 år, 163 cm
Konsultation på AK för näsplastik
Näsplastik på AK av Jonas Röjdmark
