Bröstförminskning Feb 2025 - Estetikcentrum - Malmö Marie Forseni-Flodin - cloclo1996
Pre-op: I was welcomed by everyone in the clinic. Almost everyone speaks english at Estetikcentrum. Marie did a consultation for breast reduction and explained the process very well and a price estimation was given on the day. Once the consultation was over, I sat down with a coordinator to try and book a surgery date. Unfortunately they had none available at the time so they offered to call me when new bookings were available. We also discussed the possible financing options to pay for the surgery.
Once surgery day was booked, I received a contract with detailed instructions on how to prepare for the surgery. I would recommend to double check with the clinic if you are taking multiple medications, which ones you need to stop taking and when to avoid any unpleasant surprises. I had a lot of questions prior to the surgery and the Estetikcentrum staff has always been happy to answer them. I felt very safe.
A few day before the surgery I got an email about surgery prep and I also got a call from the nurse to go through the preparation steps and book the exact surgery time.
Surgery day: I was welcomed by nurse Elmira, I changed to the clothes and garment provided by the clinic and waited in my bed. Elmira was very reassuring throughout the whole surgery day. I also talked with the surgeon to take before pictures and do some preparation and then met the nakosläkare who was also very kind. In the operation room I was put under general anesthesia and then woke up and it was done!
They kept me for a few extra hours to monitor me and served me some breakfast. Before going home I talked with the surgeon again, asked a few questions and got a goodie bag. I still have to go through check-ups but I know that I will have the same great treatment as always.
Amazing team work and trusting staff! I felt very safe for my first surgery ever. Thank you!